October 22, 2023

Edmonton Die-In for Gaza

Edmonton Die-In for Gaza
📍Sir Winston Churchill Square
🗓️ Monday Oct 23, 2023 - 5pm

Join CPCA in Edmonton for a peaceful Die-In protest to raise awareness about the human rights violations and ongoing massacre of Palestinians in Gaza.

What is a Die-In?

A die-in is a form of protest where participants lie down on the ground and pretend to be dead. The goal is to draw the attention to the genocide in Gaza.

What to bring and wear?
▪️Come dressed in all black
▪️Bring a blanket to lie down on
▪️Dress according to the weather
▪️A Palestinian flag if you wish to cover yourself with one

CPCA is asking that you do not engage with any anti-protestors. The goal is peaceful unity and advocating for a just cause. Let's focus on spreading awareness and keeping a peaceful

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