“World Peace Organization” grants Consul “Hussein Muhammad Rahal” the position of Ambassador and Minister Plenipotentiary of the organization in Canada

In the midst of the presence of international legal and humanitarian organizations, diplomatic personalities, representatives of diplomatic, politics, ministerial, parliamentary bodies, heads of municipal unions, heads of municipalities, risks and activities of civil society, entrepreneurs in Lebanon and expatriates, the World Peace Organization held a ceremony honoring His Excellency Consul Hussein Mohammed Rahal and his “inauguration as an ambassador of the World Peace Organization, And he was appointed as the Deputy Minister and the Head of the Branch of the Organization in Canada.
During the ceremony, which opened with the Lebanese national anthem and the anthem of the commissioner, the concert was known by Dr. Nader Joumaa, where he addressed the attendees saying: Republic of Egypt, land of peace, which has participated since the 1960s in several international peacekeeping missions starting in 1970 in the state of Nairobi and other countries that are still in existence Clinging the olives on one side and holding on to the banqiya on the other, and the bloody wound remains the wound of Palestine, the wound sinking in the body of the nation, from here we send a salute of glory and pride, to all the honorable fighters in Palestine, Sham and the Arab homeland, and to all international organizations that have sought and still seek to resolve the conflicts that protect all Arab and every Muslim, academic, judicial and cultural figures who have worked to resolve international disputes at the Arab and international level, his excellency the advisor Adel Al-Saba'i, whom we celebrate today with a group of intellectuals and activists in the field of maintaining international peace and security in the World Peace Organization, and a big salute to the soul of the hero President Jamal Abdullah.

During the ceremony, the advisor Adel Al-Saba'i presented the president of the World Peace Organization and said in a speech about the civilization of his country, Egypt, "We are a nation that has been modernized for many centuries and hated many centuries, because the continent is neither a winner or defeated."
And during his word, the wars that afflict the world, which knows no one big or small, the oppressor or the oppressed, in war we hear no sounds of minions or the bells of churches, in war we only hear the sound of rockets and bullets, in war we will not hear the chirping of birds and caressing of pigeons, so we want peace and we will always and forever seek To the attainment of peace, because peace was not created for justice but justice was created for peace, and justice will not be achieved until every right takes his right, justice will not be fulfilled until every aggressor pays the price for his aggression, and he and the members of the organization are honoured to be a soldier of this organization.
Mufti Zahla Wal-Baqaa Sheikh Dr. Ali Al-Ghazawi said "These institutions that are raised the hat at the bottom of the earth because their goal is to seek peace and peace in the life of humanity, we need mental peace and human peace so that the homeland will be as great as their people, as their people grow up in it.
I remember Lebanon in his speech where he said we need these organizations to be among us in Lebanon, it is time for the homeland to be great with its people, we need to think about this advanced level for the homeland not to be great unless the level of thinking of its people is great, our Lebanon today needs these energies, not that He is abandoned from him and he should make room so that his energy returns to him, then it is right in our national anthem to say that we are easy and the mountain is grown for men."
The ceremony was concluded by His Excellency Ambassador Hussein Muhammad Rahal with a speech in which he said: Man has been created to live freely on the face of this earth that God intended for him in a difficult and long-term test and in a constant conflict between good and evil, calling for the victory of truth and justice and spreading the message of love and peace.
Peace, my brothers, is a large and wide title that covers many aspects of human life. Peace is not only to live without wars, but peace is in the soul of a man, his heart, his livelihood, his health, his physical awareness, his safety, and his strength of faith.
Peace will also be in fighting poverty, ignorance, alleviating the oppressed, supporting the oppressed, helping the needy, homeless, the disabled, the elderly, the sick, and taking care of and protecting children from abusers, criminals and the unjust.
In the conclusion, Ambassador Rahal said: We promise you to work together honestly and honestly to support peace, however and wherever it is on this planet of ours, which has become plagued with problems, wars and crises, and we know very well that this is not easy, and the road is long and thorny, and we are certain that with work, faith and sincerity we will one day reach peace The universal in all its humanistic and ecological concepts.

International Peace Ambassador Libna Sami Al-Hayek had participated in organizing the ceremony for the organization, she gave a speech in which she thanked the Jade Youth Association Against Drugs in the person of its president Joseph Hawat because of the trust she gave her in delivering international relations to the Jade Association and this position opened doors for her in the outside world and assigned her a position International Peace Ambassador and Head of Women's Parliament of the Arab Union of Tribes Lebanon Branch and thanked the organization for honoring them in the Gad Assembly.
I thanked everyone who accepted her invitation to attend this ceremony. Thanks to Mufti Zahla and Baqaa Dr. Sheikh Ali Al-Ghazawi and Bishop Joseph Maoud representing Father Eli Sadiq and the former Deputy Minister Eli Maroni and the Baath Arab Socialist Party representing Boulid Faheem and the coordinator of the Future Stream in Baqaa, the Mayor of Majdal Anjar Municipality, Mr. Saeed Yassin and President Popular thought stream Dr. Fawaz Farhat and Party of Seven, represented by Samer Hamia, the president of Caritas Ghassan Nassar, civil defense in Bekaa, the president of the Farmers' Union in Lebanon, Mohamed Al-Farro, and all Lebanese charities that participated in the celebration and the businessman Mr. Kamal Zahmoul Al-Mays, the International Development Advisor Dr. Abdul Majeed Abdul Ghani and his mentor Ms. Lina Abdul Ghani and business consultant Dr. Ahmed Saleh.