November 25, 2023

All Out for Gaza Demonstration by Free Palestine YEG

Commemorating Innocence: A Call for Peace in Solidarity

Dear Jalya Community,

In the spirit of solidarity and compassion, we bring your attention to an upcoming event hosted by Free Palestine YEG. This commemoration aims to honour the precious lives lost, particularly the children in Gaza, and calls for a ceasefire, urging the Canadian government to take a stand for peace.

🌸 Event Details: Commemoration and Protest 🌸

Date: November 26th
Time: 1:00 PM
Location: Violet King Henry Plaza, 99 Ave, Edmonton AB, T5K 1E4

Visual Display: A Solemn Tribute
Attendees are encouraged to bring a pair of shoes as a visual representation, symbolizing the innocent children who tragically lost their lives in Gaza. This poignant display will serve as a powerful reminder of the human cost of conflict.

Community Support: From Protest to Donation
Following the demonstration, these shoes will be donated to local organizations supporting needy individuals in Edmonton. This act not only pays tribute to the lives lost but also extends a helping hand to those within our own community who are facing hardship.

Guidelines for Engagement:

  1. Respectful Participation: Engage with respect and intentionality, acknowledging the sensitivity of the cause.
  2. Protest with Words, Facts, and Presence: Advocate for change through the power of words, facts, and your peaceful presence.
  3. Self-Protection: Prioritize your safety. Do not engage with counter-protesters.
  4. Preserving Significance: Refrain from actions or behaviors that might diminish the significance of the event. Let our collective message be clear and impactful.

As a community, let's come together to amplify the call for peace and justice. By participating in events like these, we contribute to a collective voice that advocates for positive change.

🀝 Thank you for being a part of the Jalya community, where unity, compassion, and action intersect. We look forward to seeing you there as we stand in solidarity for a peaceful future.

#FreePalestineYEG #SolidarityForPeace #EdmontonCommunity #CommemorationEvent #JalyaUnity

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